Deneysville property guide

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Deneysville at a glance

Deneysville’s roots can be traced back to 1936, and is situated on the shores of the Free State side of the Vaal River and is the fourth largest town on the Vaal Dam. The namesake of the town Deneys Reitz, built a stone hunting cottage here and the building is still in use today as St. Peter’s Church which has become very popular as a wedding venue. The original village management board became a municipality and today falls under the large area council of Metsimaholo. The town was slow in developing until the turn of the century when it was rediscovered and is today a fast developing recreational center with many new holiday homes adding to permanent working and retired population The town has four yacht clubs which holds regular sailing races over the weekends, two of the most popular races are the Keel Boat Week and the Round The Island Yacht Race. Proving that this little town is anything but sleepy.

Deneysville property map
Explore Deneysville suburbs
Apartment, Penthouse
Retirement Village
Vacant Land
Small Holding
Vacant Land
Office, Retail, Mixed Use
Vacant Land