Situated in the so-called Vaal Triangle, Meyerton forms part of an important part of the on going major industry developments in the area. Although the area is home to large industries such as Sasol, the town has essentially maintained its rural charm. The landscape is dotted with willow trees alongside the rivers which feeds into the enormous Vaal Dam. An abundance of river networks and the close proximity to the dam means that the area has many watersport destinations for visitors and residents to enjoy. The flow of the Klip River has also seen the development of farms in the area which makes one forget that one isn’t very far from the hustle and bustle of Johannesburg. Residents have said that the minute the enter Meyerton it feels like they have escaped the confines of urban life. Although many residents spend their weekends enjoying the pleasures which the variety of watersports provide, there is the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve for those who prefers staying on dry ground. The reserve is well known for its hiking trails in the shadow of the Suikerbosrand Mountain range. This reserve lies a little further east of Meyerton while still being close enough for a day trip. Property Types • Houses • Townhouses • Apartments • Vacant Land Schools • Greenacres Private School • Meyerton Primary School • Laerskool Voorwaarts