Andre vd Westhuizen

Open Realty / Candidate property Practitioner
More about Andre
Real Estate Agent Bio – André van der Westhuizen. I, Andre van der Westhuizen, worked in the Insurance Industry and completed all related examinations. I have joined Accuts Real Estate Agency where I have worked for 4 (four) years as a Property Practitioner and completed The Fundamentals of Real Estate EAAB Exam, Negotiating,and Contracts Certifications courses. I have joined OPEN REALRTY ESTATE AGENCY to exercise my passion and enthusiasm for house sales and this passion inspired me as a realtor to guide my clients toward the best possible home for them. My believe in honesty allowed that my clients personally believe in the expertise that I provide, how I provide it and the enormous benefits they receive from it. My customer service goes far beyond mere words. This is the job I love doing and motivates me to put in time and hard work for my clients. I am here for my clients.
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Estate Agent Property News Articles
What to do when your home has been on the market for a while
Market & Opinion
What to do when your home has been on the market for a while
02 May 2024
Selling a home can be a stressful and challenging process, especially when your property has been on the market for an extended period. However, there are several strategies you can employ to increase your chances of selling your home. 
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Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
Market & Opinion
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
24 Apr 2024
When sellers sign an Offer to Purchase (OTP), they often believe that the sale is secure. However, the reality is that numerous factors can cause a sale to fall through even after the OTP has been signed. Understanding these pitfalls can help sellers navigate the process more effectively and ensure a successful transaction.
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Savvy home buyers can capitalise on the current interest rate cycle
Market & Opinion
Savvy home buyers can capitalise on the current interest rate cycle
18 Apr 2024
Buying the right kind of residential property in the right location and at the right time in an interest rate cycle, are key ingredients for extremely sound investment potential.
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Understanding the ins and outs of a property sales agreement
Understanding the ins and outs of a property sales agreement
19 Feb 2024
In the world of property transactions, one crucial document serves as the cornerstone of the entire process—the property sales agreement. While it may seem intimidating at first, understanding its significance is essential for both buyers and sellers. 
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