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Small Holding for sale in Riversdale Rural

Small Holding For Sale In Riversdale Rural



Experience Cape nature at its best, with a combination of Fynbos and good PH neutral soil, making it possible to grow lucerne amongst other crops, should you so wish. The perfect place to build your weekend retreat, retirement home or self-sufficient Lifestyle Farm.

This property’s full boundary fence is in good condition and the property is also divided into 3 camps. The lower 2 camps are suitable for growing crops and grazing, while the 3rd camp is where the property becomes elevated and covered in Fynbos vegetation with wonderful fauna and flora.

Water is readily available by means of a recently drilled (unequipped) borehole, with the water level at approximately 11 m below the surface. Eskom electricity is nearby and can easily be connected if the new owner requires this.

Please note that any buildings visible in the photos are those of the neighbors - there are no buildings on this property

If you are looking for that perfect spot to build your home, with magnificent views, there is an ideal level area halfway up the 3rd part of the property. Or if you wished to build more than one dwelling, this would give you options so as not to be limited with space.

This property is easily accessible with well maintained roads with Riversdale 27 km away and the small hamlet of Vermaaklikheid only 8 km away. This property is also situated in such a way that you are not completely isolated, giving you an even better sense of security in an already safe and serene area.

Please contact us for more information or to arrange a viewing.

Property Type
Small Holding
Stand Size
Rates & Taxes
Property history
Listed for sale at R1,200,000
31 May 2024
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