In one of the oldest neighborhoods of Polokwane, this property is available to turn into a beautiful family home or with a vision to turn it into something else, once the correct zoning has been done.
Investors, are you looking for something to renovate and sell again or rent out and receive monthly income, then this opportunity is for you.
This property offers currently 10 bachelor's rooms of which 8 has en-suite bathrooms. The monthly income is plus minus R20 000 per month.
This property is situated on a huge corner stand, walking distance from Sterkloop Centre and all important amenities around it like Filling Stations, Restaurants, Churches and easy access to highways around Polokwane as well as walking distance from Polokwane Central area.
This stand also offers lots of space for further development. Already a builded fence around the property with lots of parking space available in and around the property.
Expand on the existing house and turn it into something totally different, get an architect on board and build a good investment or leave it like it is now with montly income.
Bring your care and vision to this property.
I am waiting for your call to discuss more about this property and take you for a private tour to discover the opportunities this property is offering.