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Industrial to rent in Lotusville

1880m2 Warehouse To Let In Verulum

1880m2 Warehouse To Let in Verulum | Swindon Property

Nestled within a quiet cul-de-sac in Verulum, this property offers an enhanced level of security, ideal for your business operations. The building is multi-tenanted, allowing you to leverage the collective expertise and support of both the landlord and your neighbouring businesses.


- 3 Phase Power

- Truck access

- 6m Height to eaves

- Covered roller shutter door

- New sprinkler system installed

400m2 of the total space is in a separate building adjacent to the main warehouse on the same property

Contact Ryan Cuttler for more information or alternative options.

Property Type
Building Size
Three Phase Power
Property history
Listed to rent at R159,800
13 May 2024
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