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2 bedroom cottage to rent in Chrisville

2 Beds
1 Bath
2 Bedroom Cottage - Chrisville

Spacious 2 bedroom cottage with loads of cupboard space, spacious lounge, diner, fitted kitchen with space for under counter washing machine, full bathroom with shower, bath, toilet and basin.

Use of pool, secure property. Will suit older couple or single person.

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Listed to rent at R4,000
03 Jun 2024
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Johannesburg is known by various names just as diverse as the residents - Jozi, Jo’burg, Joeys, eGoli. From its humble beginning as a mining town, Johannesburg has evolved into a buzzing urban hub of activity. From high rises dotting the skyline to leafy suburbs with sprawling properties, the city reflects the history of its growth and major events in Southern African history.
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