Before you can obtain information from the deeds office, you must have the following ready: • Full names and/or identity number of the owner of the property, or at least his or her date of birth. In the case of a juristic person, the name and registration number, if available, is necessary. • The correct erf number and township or farm name and number, not the street address. In the case of a sectional title scheme, the section, and the scheme name are required. To obtain a copy of a deed or document from a deeds registry, you must: • go to any deeds office. It is important to note that deeds registries may not give out information acting on a letter or a telephone call • An official at the information desk will help you complete the correct form and explain the procedure to you. • You can now request a search on the property, and pay the required fee at the cashier’s office. The receipt number will be allocated to your copy of title.