Transfer duty is calculated on the value – not the price – of the property, although, SARS will generally regard the purchase price of the property to be its value. However, if SARS believes that the purchase price does not correspond with the true value, which may be the case if, say, a property is sold to a family member and its value understated, transfer duty will have to be paid on the true or fair value. Transfer duty is calculated on the total cost of the property to the buyer. Transfer Duty 2024 ( 1 March 2023 - 29 February 2024) • R1 000 000 – R1 100 000: 0% • R1 100 001 – R1 512 500: 3% of the value above R1 100 000 • R1 512 501 – R2 117 500: R12 375 + 6% of the value above R1 512 500 • R2 117 501 – R2 722 500: R48 675 + 8% of the value above R2 117 500 • R2 722 501 – R12 100 000: R97 075 +11% of the value above R2 722 500 R12 100 001 and above: R1 128 600 + 13% of the value exceeding R12 100 000 Calculate your bond & transfer costs using our calculator