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Commercial to rent in Beacon Bay

Pets Allowed
Commercial To Rent In Beacon Bay

Position...Position...Position - R 5000.00 Schedule your appoinment today to view this lovely property in the well known Bonza Bay Road right next to the Engen Garage opposite the Spargs Cengtre. The property offers private entrance with excellent security. a Beautifull garden area as you enter the office or shop. Would be perfect for tutoring, proffessional practice, office or Beauty Salon. Fully air-conditioned with pre-paid electricity meter. This space would be perfect for a proffessional practice, tutoring, admin office or small traing centre. There is a prepaid electricity meter and the space also has airconditioning To view this lovely property please feel free to contact Charne at Trafalgar Porpety Management on 043 726 6066

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Pets Allowed
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Listed to rent at R5,000
01 May 2023
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